August 28, 2019 by laparmenter
The lunch cashier is Susan Loveland. Lunches need to be paid on a weekly or monthly basis. Lunch money will be collected in the hall before school starts or in the office during recesses. You can also pay for lunches online at your Parent Infinite Campus Portal. Extra milk can be purchased during lunch. Students who bring sack lunches may purchase milk. We discourage students eating lunch away from school other than at home.
**We want to make a special plea for your help with the Free and Reduced lunch applications. If you see that you qualify for F/R lunch but have no intention of using it, we ask that you fill the form out anyway. The percentage of families that qualify (not use) affects our funding. Suffice it to say, it will help us immensely and we will be very grateful if you could help us out. Many thanks in advance!