
Welcome to Afton Elementary,
Home of the Little Chiefs!

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Afton Elementary

Afton Elementary

Afton Elementary is located in Afton, Wyoming at 333 East 1st Avenue. Afton Elementary has a long tr

4 days ago

Afton Elementary
Today, Mr. Hale’s class turned into the ultimate "Shark Tank" 🦈, and our very own Mr. Robinson was in the hot seat as the guest "shark"! 💼💡Students pitched their creative ideas to make Afton Elementary even better! 🏫 Students processed their ideas from essays to storyboards to thoughtful presentations. These young innovators put their hearts and minds into their work. ❤️🖌️ Classmates chimed in with engaging discussions, and Mr. Robinson offered feedback that had everyone thinking critically. 🤔💭We couldn’t be more proud of their teamwork, creativity, and thoughtful responses! 🙌 Way to go, Mr. Hale's class—our future is in great hands! 🌟 See MoreSee Less
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5 days ago

Afton Elementary
For the first time ever, The Afton Little Chiefs finally brought home the “Soup”er Bowl 🏆 trophy in the annual food drive competing with Osmond Elementary. This was the most successful year we have had so far and we are happy that our students have provided so much food for needy families to the Afton Food Pantry! #all4afton See MoreSee Less
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5 days ago

Afton Elementary
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5 days ago

Afton Elementary
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1 week ago

Afton Elementary
This was found in the parking lot. It is the lock cover to a Ford vehicle. If it is yours, please come in the office to claim it. Thanks. See MoreSee Less
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Back to School Night will be held on Thursday, August 22nd from 4-6pm

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With an amendment to State Statute 21-4-102, effective August 1, 2021, a student may register in kindergarten in the year in which the student’s fifth birthday falls on or before August 1. Previously, the students birthday had to be on or before September 15. Upon an approved request to the Board of Trustees, a student may register in kindergarten in the year in which his fifth birthday falls on or before September 15 if, based upon the kindergarten readiness assessment, the District determines that the student is mature enough (developmentally ready, both academically and socially) to attend kindergarten. Parents will need to submit an Application for Early Entrance to Kindergarten prior to May 1 of the year that precedes kindergarten enrollment. If parents have questions regarding this change, please contact Mr. Robinson (principal).
Afton Elementary Loge

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